You can apply to renew your driving licence online if you have a Public Services Card (PSC) and a MyGovID verified account. If you are 70 or over, you need a certification of fitness to drive from your doctor to apply for a 3-year or a one-year licenceĪ bus or truck driving licence is issued for a maximum of 5 years.The shorter duration will apply if your GP chooses this option on your medical report. If your current licence is due to expire within 3 months of your 70th birthday, your new licence will be issued for either 1 year or 3 years. If you are between 67 and 70 years old, you can apply for a 3-year licence.If you are 60 to 67 years old, you can apply for a licence that will expire the day before your 70th birthday.If you are under 60, you can apply for a 10-year licence or a 3-year licence (on medical grounds).Your age determines how long your licence will be issued for, so you may be able to renew your licence for 10 years, 3 years or something in between, depending on how old you are. If your driving licence expired 10 years ago or more, you must complete a Driver Theory Test and then apply for a learner driver permit. You held a driving licence that expired less than 10 years ago.You hold a driving licence that will expire within 3 months.You can apply to renew your driving licence if: You can read more in our document Driving and transport during COVID-19. You do not have to supply a medical report from your doctor, unless you have a specified medical condition. This apples if you renewed your last or current licence in person at an NDLS office in the past 5 years. If you are over 70, or you are about to turn 70, and your driving licence expires before 31 December 2020, you will be sent an application pack by NDLS to renew your driving licence by post. You should only book an appointment to attend an office in person if you are providing an essential service or if you work in an essential retail service. National Driver Licence Service (NDLS) offices have reopened but are not operating a drop-in service. You will not receive a new licence during this time, but your driver record will be updated to show that you licence or learner permit is still valid. This applies to all categories of licence. If you have a driving licence or learner permit that is due to expire between 1 March and 31 August 2020, your licence is automatically renewed for a further 7 months.