Do not worry what bit rate is shown in the bit rate drop down box this will be ignored, as will the quality setting chosen below it.įLAC configured with tagging support, in an older version of EAC.Since FLAC is always lossless the effect of the compression level is small and cannot be compared to the compression of lossy formats. Note: The green portion is where you would change the compression level. If you are using EAC 1.0b1 or earlier, then in the Additional command line options box, copy and paste the following string:.T "artist=%artist%" -T "title=%title%" -T "album=%albumtitle%" -T "date=%year%" -T "tracknumber=%tracknr%" -T "genre=%genre%" -5 %source%

If you are using EAC 1.0b2 or newer, then in the Additional command line options box, copy and paste the following string:.Tick Check for external programs return code.Remove the ticks from Use CRC check and Add ID3 tag.