NB Put the lid back on the can to resist the temptation of adding more oil to the timber. One or more pieces of paper towel may be necessary to make sure surface is free of oil before moving to Step 3. Wipe excess slurry from timber surface with a paper towel. By now you should have achieved a satin finish across the surface. Should you have an excess of slurry clean the face of the paper with an Oil dampened cloth making sure not to add Oil to the timber surface. The Oil and sawdust will form a slurry paste and should be worked to fill the pore structure of the timber, if needing more slurry to close the pores of the timber, add oil only to the surface of the paper being used. Wipe off excess or pooling oil leaving a moist surface, then begin to massage or burnish the oil into the timber surface with the last paper used in Step 1. Step 2: Apply first coat of Oil to all surfaces of the project including the underside and or rearside allowing the oil time to soak well into the timber 2 to 3 hours later ( not overnight ) apply a light second coat after first application to the surfaces to be burnished also allowing a short time for oil to be absorbed. Retain the sawdust in the last paper used – do not dust off as it will be used as a grain filler in the next process. Sand until timber begins to show a slight lustre.

Step 1: Fine sand timbers to minimum 400 grit (powered disc) or hand sand to 600 grit WET and DRY paper. By using Wet on Wet friction sanding technique you will be able to minimise sanding imperfections. When the light reflects back it will however reveal any imperfections in the surface sanding. Light also travels with the oils along the timber fibres into the wood, enhancing all the colour, glow and character of the structure. Natural Plant Oils penetrate deep into timbers. The wet on wet (burnishing) sanding technique